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泰迪熊的由來 The History of the Teddy Bear

其實到目前為止,還沒有確實的證據能證實[泰迪熊]的出現地點及時間,但泰迪熊〈Teddy Bear〉這個名詞的出現據說是有一段故事的。在 1902 年的秋天,美國總統[羅斯福]在[密西西比河]附近一帶打獵,但卻沒有任何的收獲,同行的人員為了安慰總統,便將一隻小黑熊綁在樹上讓總統射殺,但羅斯福總統一看見小黑熊可愛又惹人憐的樣子,即不忍心將牠殺害,而且還當場發誓再也不獵殺黑熊。這件事後來被一位漫畫家刊載在郵報上,結果羅斯福總統拒絕獵殺黑熊的事件,卻引發一股熱愛熊熊的風潮,之後便以羅斯福總統的小名「Teddy」為名,稱小熊為「Teddy Bear」,從此泰迪熊〈Teddy Bear〉便成為家喻戶曉的Plush 絨毛玩具。

除了這個故事外,還有另一個泰迪熊的故事喔!!據說在美國總統羅斯福任期內,[白宮]舉辦了一次宴會上,宴會擺了一組穿著不同衣服的玩具熊,有裝扮成獵人、漁夫…等模樣,它們被陳列在桌上當作裝飾品,這組玩具讓喜愛熊的羅斯福著迷不已,但怎麼也沒人知道這組玩具的名稱,之後當場就有人以羅斯福的小名-Teddy,隨口叫那些熊為「Teddy bear」,後來「Teddy bear」被登載在報紙上,泰迪熊熱潮也自此時在全國熱烈展開,之後這股熱潮在幾年後也傳到了歐洲及英國等國家,而當時英國國王[愛德華七世]的小名也恰巧叫Teddy!

It can concerns here only the history about the teddy bears, then bears as toy, also from fur and felt, are essentially older as our teddy bear, which would create in the beginning of the 20th century . What is the difference between bear and teddy bear ? But one after the other. The history about the teddy bears exists in two parts. Unlucky for the one, would like the authorship absolutely to clarify. The moment of the origin is equal in both histories. It is 1902. I begin in America.

In the November 1902 President Roosevelt, visiting Mississippi to settle a border dispute, decided to go out hunting for the day. After several hours president Roosevelt hadn't shooting anything. But some of his hunting helpers discovered a lost bear cub. The helpers catching the bear and tied him on a tree. He should become Roosevelt's trophy. To Roosevelt's honour, he couldn't bring himself to shoot the defenceless little bear.

At the 16. November 1902 appeared this caricature in the news paper Washington Post, drawed from Clifford Berryman. This drawing inspired the candy store owner Morris Michtom Using Berryman's cartoon as a guide, he worked out a pattern, and, his wife had soon put together a little jointed toy bear cub, which Morris put into his shop window with a copy of the cartoon, and a handwritten notice saying 'Teddy's Bear'. The Bears sold like wildfire, and within a year, Michtom closed his candy store, and founded the Ideal Novelty and Toy Co.

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