Chad Valley


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 Chad Valley 歷史沿革 | Chad Valley 原創藝廊 |  Chad Valley 最新產品

Chad Valley were innovative and among the first to use coloured mohair fabrics. Their first "novel" bear, produced in 1926, was Rainbow Tubby Bear who wore a collar and a clown's hat. In 1930 the distinctive Magna bear was introduced, these had horizontal nose stitching and an unusual blue and white Magna label. A popular design during the 1930's was Cubby Bear, made from brown and fawn alpaca plush. Sonny Bear, Cubby's little brother, was from light brown plush and wore a bib. Chad Valley later made some famous characters such as Winnie the Pooh, who became popular by the BBC-program 'Children's hour'. In the 1950's they had exclusive rights to produce a replica of Harry Corbett's Sooty, which appeared on a popular children's program in 1952. About 1953 Toffee, from the BBC children's show "Listen With Mother", was produced wearing a knitted red bobble hat and scarf.

< 泰迪熊百科目錄
