- R/C airplane with Pilot teddy bear HDV video泰迪熊開飛機
03:29 Onboard HDV video camera by R/C model airplane with Pilot teddy bear. Old airplane kit Super Drifter with 3 gyro. Useing HDV camera SONY camcorder HDR HC3. Inflight movie.
- Ayumi Hamasaki - Teddy Bear live演唱會與泰迪熊
04:00 (pointing out the obvious) It's Teddy Bear, and it's live!
- 宫 Teddy Bear Overview野蠻王妃
01:57 Combined pictures of the k-drama 宫/Palace.
- Elvis Presley-Teddy Bear (1957)貓王與泰迪熊
01:44 Teddy Bear Song, 09/07/1957. Greets for all the people who wants to watch this video.
- Ayumi Hamasaki Teddy Bear Countdown 2000 - 2001演唱會與泰迪熊
04:18 Ayu singing Teddy Bear in Countdown 2000 - 2001 concert. A song that talks about Ayu's past. The audience is lovely to clap along with the song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_HTm4m9sv7Y
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