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收藏泰迪熊參考書 Reference Books

The next step in identifying your bear is to have a good look through any books about bears that you can lay your hands on. There seem to be at least a couple of new ones each year, so we can't list all of them, but there are several standard reference works that we use all the time in the Museum.

 For bears from all around the world, and especially British Teddies: 
  • The Ultimate Teddy Bear Book by Pauline Cockrill (Dorling Kindersley)
  • The Teddy Bear Encyclopedia by Pauline Cockrill (Dorling Kindersley)

 For American bears, but also good guides to bear from all around the world: 
  • Teddy Bears - A Collector's Identification Guide (Vols I & II) by Linda Mullins (Hobby House Press)
  • The "Teddy Bear and Friends" Price Guides Ed. Linda Mullins

 For Steiff, the ultimate reference work is: 
  • Steiff Teddy Bears - Love for a Lifetime(Steiff)

There are many other books and guides available - the important thing is to find books with plenty of photos of identifiable, labelled bears, and compare them with your Teddy. Many of the books have price guides, but you should always be aware that the bear market is changeable, and that prices can quickly go out of date. This is a major reason why we do not offer valuations.
