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泰迪熊歷史時期 Important Dates in Teddy Bear History

  • 1847

- Margarete Steiff is born on July 24

  • 1858

- Theodore Roosevelt is born on October 27

  • 1869

- Clifford Berryman is born on April 2

  • 1902

- Roosevelt leaves on November 12 for Mississippi for his 4 day bear hunt - Berryman�s �Drawing the Line in Mississippi� cartoon published in The Washington Post on November 16 - Morris Michtom and Steiff produce teddy bears

  • 1903

- Michtom creates the Ideal and Novelty and Toy Co. - Steiff�s Bar 55 PB shown at Leipzig Toy Fair in March; 3,000 sold - Dean�s Ragbook Co. established in August

  • 1904

- Steiff introduces the button in the ear in March; registers Bar 35 PB with string jointing - Steiff introduces rod-jointed Bar 28 PB

  • 1905

- Steiff registers Bar 35 PAB, first disk-jointed teddy bear design in February - Seymour Eaton�s Roosevelt Bears first copyrighted

  • 1906

- Toy magazine Playthings first uses term �teddy�s bears� in May

  • 1907

- American John W. Bratton composes �The Teddy Bear�s Picnic� - Steiff produces 975,000 bears - Little Johnny and the Teddy Bears is first teddy bear comic strip

  • 1908

- Steiff first mentions tilt growler in catalogs; first uses glass eyes for British market - First lawsuits between Steiff and other German companies over �button in ear� - JK Farnell starts making teddy bears

  • 1903-1908

- Barenjahre: Steiff factory expands 3 times

  • 1909

- Margarete Steiff dies at age 61 on May 9

  • 1912

- Schreyer and Co. is established

  • 1913

- First Hermann bear is produced

  • 1914-1915

- German imports are banned in Britain

  • 1914-1918

- Teddy bear factories are used to make items for World War I

  • 1915-1916

- Dean�s and Chad Valley produce first jointed mohair teddy bears

  • 1920

- Teddy Toy Co. patents Softanlite kapok stuffing - Mary Tourtel�s Rupert Bear introduced in British newspaper in November

  • 1921

- Schreyer and Co. patentsYes/No bears

  • 1926

- AA Milne�s Winnie the Pooh is published in October

  • 1929

- Rayon-plush bears are first advertised

  • 1930

- Jimmy Kennedy writes lyrics for �The Teddy Bear�s Picnic� - Merrythought Ltd established

  • 1940-1945

- Teddy bear factories are used to make items for World War II; some suffer bomb damage

  • 1944

- Smokey Bear is created for the US Forest Service to promote fire prevention campaigns

  • 1945-1951

- Teddy bears commonly made with nylon and rayon plush

  • 1957

- Elvis sings �Teddy Bear� - Merrythought�s Cheeky first appears in catalog

  • 1958

- British author Michael Bond�s Paddington Bear first appears - Yogi Bear debuts on Huckleberry Hound; has own show 3 years later

  • 1959

- Safe vinyl noses used - Wendy Boston introduces new safety eye

  • 1962

- Berenstain Bears appear in first book

  • 1964

- Benjamin Michtom, Ideal founder�s son, gives a 1903 teddy bear to Roosevelt�s grandson Kermit, who donates it to the Smithsonian

  • 1967

- Baloo sings �Bare Necessities� in Disney�s The Jungle Book

  • 1973

- Good Bears of the World started

  • 1974

- First artist bear shown by Beverly Port

  • 1980

- Steiff introduces first replicas - North American starts VIB line

  • 1981

- Doll Reader first uses term bear artist

  • 1982

- Care Bears are introduced

  • 1983

- Teddy Bear and Friends magazine started

  • 1985

- Christie�s holds first teddy bears only sale - Good Bears of the World name this the International Year of the Teddy Bear

  • 1986

- First teddy bear museum opens in Berlin - Teddy Bear Review magazine started

  • 1987

- Golden Teddy Awards started

  • 1990

- East European firms taken by Communists given back to descendents - TOBY Awards started - Teddy Bear Museum of Naples in Florida opens

  • 1992

- Steiff Collectors� Club started

  • 1994

- A record $158,000 is paid for a 1905 Steiff bear at a London auction

  • 1998

- US Postal Service issues a teddy bear stamp for its Celebrate the Century program

  • 2000

- Steiff�s Louis Vuitton bear sells for around $210,000 in Monaco, highest ever

  • 2002

-100th anniversary of the teddy bear - US Postal Service issues 4 stamps of teddy bears by American companies - Guinness World Records reports the smallest handmade teddy bear is 9 mm long - Many celebrations for the anniversary; Steiff and Disney hold first event together in November

< 泰迪熊歷史典故
